Patriot Pools of Arizona.

Pool Safety Tips

pool safety.
As pool builders in Arizona, we care about your safety around swimming pools and spas. Here are the most important safety tips.

According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, drowning is the third most common cause of unintentional injury-related deaths. Ensuring safety is crucial to prevent accidents and injuries.

Here are the most important pool safety tips:


Always supervise children closely when they are in or around the pool. Never leave them unattended, even for a moment. This means putting away all distractions such as phones or books.

  • Know the address
  • Scan the bottom of the pool before leaving and locking up
  • Keep count of everyone in the group, not just children

Learn to Swim

Ensure that everyone in the home knows how to swim, including adults. Consider enrolling children in swimming lessons from a young age. Even infants and toddlers can learn self-rescue skills with Infant Swimming Resource (ISR).


Creating a safe space means installing a fence at least four feet high around all sides of the pool with self-closing and self-latching gates to prevent children from entering the pool area unsupervised.

  • Never prop a gate open
  • Move outdoor furniture inside the pool fence to prevent children from using it to climb over the fence
  • Clear the pool area of toys that could tempt a child to enter the area unsupervised.
  • Lock doors that lead to pools.


Use pool alarms on the gate, doors, and windows. These include alarms on doors inside the home that lead outdoors, and gates that lead to the pool. Consider a surface wave or underwater alarm to alert you if someone enters the pool.

Safety Equipment

Keep rescue equipment such as life rings, floats, or a reaching pole near the pool. Don’t depend on floating toys; they are not designed to save lives. Also, have a first aid kit and a list of emergency contacts readily available.

Rules and Education

Establish and enforce pool rules such as:

  • No running
  • No pushing
  • No rough play around the pool
  • No diving: if the pool is not deep enough, enforce a no diving policy to prevent head and spinal injuries

Educate everyone about the risks of pool drains and the importance of not playing or swimming near them. In addition, ensure that adults in the household are trained in CPR and basic water rescue skills in case of an emergency.

Chemical Safety

Always store pool chemicals in a safe place, out of reach of children and pets, and handle them according to the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent chemical burns and other injuries.

Take The Pool Safely Pledge

Before heading to the pool or spa with your family, take the Pool Safely Pledge. This online call to action is a reminder to stay safer around the water.

By adhering to these safety practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents in and around your pool, making it a safer environment for everyone.

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